Monday, December 8, 2008


To all O2C committee members and members who gave a helping hand.


Mesh, the initiator. You helped me when I'm in Sandakan; busy emailings, sending banners,doing the tickets, posters etc. Drive sini,sana..You rock!

Lumis..thank you for Jiaja! and selling most of the tickets, collect money and helping to sit at the entrance most of the night sampai kita tidak sempat makan. Girl power!

Gidong,.you made the poster, tickets and banner most attractive! updating our blog untuk pastikan semua tahu pasal function ini. Berkali kali poster kena buat balik,.sorry kalau terkasar the man!

Jason,..your experience in organising function, eye for detail help us to get the program going smoothly. Nasib ada kau mau check the finerlines. Thanks bro!

Tompok..thank you in advance because tanpa ko,seluruh Sabah tidak akan tahu pasal O2C's contribution towards the community.

Josie, Sumpit, Donna & Ollen,..eventhough you guys helped the very last day,.it showed your commitment..buat ribbon yg banyak,set up goody bags, help at the entrance, pasang ribbon to the guests,jadi ushers. Thumbs up! The rest of the members yang telah menolong jual rock too!

The event was successful not because of the full house, sold out event. But because ofthe commitment you all have given. Setiap titik peluh, penat lelah,..semuanya berbaloi. God Bless!

"Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That's why it's a comfort to go hand in hand. "


Gidong said...

Entri ni lupa letak :

JUNIOH : Ko lah juga .. kalau BUKAN ko nda ada lah ni RGP .. ko buat semua benda utk memastikan RGP ni berjaya termasuk jadi mc dan sekaligus menyanyi .. dan O2C mengucapakan Hepi Birthday juga pada KAPTEN JUNIOH ..

KEPADA SEMUA o2c YG TERLIBAT .. GOD BLESS ... Tuhan ja yg tau balas budi baik korang .. Amin

tompok-susan said...

iya happy bday to Kapten jr...GOD Bless

laskarhitamputih said...

klo mau tinguk JR nyanyi apa & dengan sepa... boleh intai di blog Newton...

Anyway, congrats utk O2C.
Terutama Kapten & anak2 buah yg bertungkus-lumus menjayakan RGP.

Girllyen said...

Well Done.. O2C ;)

Junior: The best master of ceremony.. i adore you..
Mesh: Good job.. jangan lupa pass pass pics aah...
Lumis: Napa tidak kasi stock sya sikit tu door gift.. hehe.. but i know.. without u.. mesti tidak menjadi tu..
Gidong: Keep up the good work! Siou.. 1 ticket sj sya berjaya jual.. huhu..
Jason: Lawa rambut.. hehe..
Tompok: Beautiful as always..
Sumpitz: Waah.. usherer yang hebat!
Greg: Mana gambar sya lagi? :D thanks for the pictures..
Newton: Wah.. sampai kk juga ko aah..
Ollen: steady ko aah..

banyak lagi sya mo mention sini.. but.. susah mau describe laa.. my fren rili enjoy the night..

Gidong said...

GOL - Lain kali ko bili semua kalau ko ambil tikit ah hehehe anggap ja sebagai derma hahahaha

Girllyen said...

gidong..ya.. buli.. tapi pastikan time gaji aah.. hehehe..