Ambik perhatian semua members for this coming activities, sila rujuk seperti terterah dibawah:
Social & Entertainment - Jason & Wes
Welfare - Mesh & Josie
Sports - Bobby & Ollen
Moderator Blog - Gidong
Communications - Sumpit
Accommodation & Logistics / Finance - Lumis
External Affair - Tompok & Nel
Transportation - PS & Kiloy
Food & Beverage - Mamai
Marketing & PR - Junior
Social & Entertainment
In charge of all social & entertainment event coordination. From itinerary, invitations, layout arrangement, fashion, makeup, etc.
Covering birthdays of members, special occasions, charitable events, volunteer work, photography & initiator. Make sure every members welfare is taken care off. Cards, momentos souvenirs etc.
Coordinate sports activities and equipments. To schedule friendly matches with other organisations or clubs. Let's keep fit. Senang.
Blog Moderator
Tanggungjawab besar untuk memastikan blog kita always updated, terkini, tergempak. Must coordinate with Communications coordinator. To work with Marketing coodinator to ensure blog dikenali diseluruh pelusuk dunia.!!Compile photographs, editing, videography etc.
To coordinate all communications with members; ensure everyone is aware of the activities and events. To compile feedbacks, comments, materials (for photo shoots etc). Work well with Moderator.
Accommodations. Logitics & Finance
To ensure accommodations & logistics of event are well organised/ coordinated. Collect duit!! penting ni.
External Affairs
Corodinate with outstation members, aktiviti2 di luar negeri/ negara. To assist Marketing coordinator untuk mempromosikan O2C. Manage merchandise O2C.
PR & Marketing
To further promote O2C's activities locally & outside the country. To ensure O2C is attached to various NGOs/ community services etc. To coordinate on O2C's merchandise. Work well with Communications & external Affairs coordinators.
Penting habis!! Kalau teda dia, everyone jalan kaki. Go to islands, she will ensure we have a boat. To go up the mountain, she must ensure everyone has tarnsportation.
Food & Beverage
No food, O2C habis kebuluran. Coordinator is in charge of ensuring that all food & beverage cukup. Manage menu whether buat collection atau potluck etc. Siopon well supplied..